How to Work with a Fundraising Consultant
You’ve gone through the process of finding the right fundraising consultant for your organization and now it’s time to get to work....
How to Choose a Fundraising Consultant
Like any other industry, not all fundraising consultants are created equal. So how do you find a consultant/firm who will be a great fit...
What can a Fundraising Consultant do for your Nonprofit?
Most nonprofits rely on philanthropy to meet their mission but it can be really challenging to consistently grow philanthropy. Setting...
Keys to a Successful Capital Campaign
By its simplest definition, a capital campaign, or any major fundraising campaign, is an intensive fundraising effort conducted over a...
Two easy things you can do today to improve donor retention!
Have you ever made a first-time gift, or substantially increased your giving to a charity only to receive a computer generated gift...
Before you ask for a major gift, read this!
Successful individual major gift solicitation requires a thoughtfully crafted strategic approach. The amount of time spent planning the...
Don't have a major gifts program? Now is the perfect time to start!
More than 72% of private philanthropy (a whopping $390 billion in 2016*) comes from individuals, much of it in the form of major gifts of...
Do Non-Profits Need Market Research?
“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.” – Zora Neale Thurston For decades, profit-driven...
Why should I care?
That's the question donors expect you to answer when you communicate with them. When was the last time you thought about your...
Guess who turned 2? We did!
As we celebrate TWO YEARS of being in business, we want to thank our AMAZING clients for the important work they do each and every day...